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-- Calculate estimated reading time for any page rounded to multiple of 5. Outputs "X-Y minutes".
-- invoke on any page or template with {{#invoke:Lesezeit|estimateReadingTime|YourPageHere}} (change YourPageHere)
local p = {}
local mw = require("mw")
function p.estimateReadingTime(frame)
-- Get the page title from the frame parameter
local pageTitle = frame.args[1]
-- Ensure that pageTitle is a string
if type(pageTitle) == "string" then
-- Use MediaWiki's built-in function to get the page content
local content = mw.title.new(pageTitle):getContent()
-- Ensure that content is a string
if type(content) == "string" then
-- Count words using a more robust pattern
local wordCount = 0
for word in content:gmatch("%S+") do
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